Champions for Literacy Match Campaign

Thank you for contributing to the
"Champions for Literacy" Match Campaign
for King County kids!

Your generous support will ensuring more young children in King County have the opportunity to experience the magic of a monthly book from Dolly Parton's Imagination Library.

Now through June 1st, every contribution made to Imagination Library of Washington during the “Champions for Literacy” Match Campaign will be doubled by a very generous anonymous donor. This funding will directly contribute to providing books to early learners in King County through Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library, fostering the growth, connection, and academic preparedness of children through the creation of their very own home libraries.

You can also mail your donation to:

Imagination Library of Washington
c/o United Ways of the Pacific Northwest
400 Union Ave., SE, Suite 200
Olympia, WA 98501

*Please note that your donation is for the Champions for Literacy campaign.

THANK YOU for helping us get more books to King County early learners!

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Contributions are tax deductible.
